As in many other parts of the world, Istanbul is a place where you need to be careful about the safety of taxis.  In the past, Istanbul was much worse in terms of the safety of taxis, taking a taxi was a completely unsafe and risky act.  In recent years, as a result of the measures taken and tightening controls, fraud committed by taxi drivers has decreased.  However, the fraud made by the taxi drivers is not completely prevented.  From time to time, taxi drivers taking the customer in longer way to take more money, taxi drivers giving counterfeit money to customers as change or taxi drivers refusing customers since they do not like the route are being heard in the news. So what can you do about them?  In order to prevent the taxi driver from taking you unnecessarily long distance, it is useful for you to check on our site how much it will cost before getting into the taxi.  So how can you avoid the risk of counterfeit money and refusal? Credit card might be a good way to prevent from counterfeit money, but credit card can not be used at many taxis in Istanbul. So the best way to eliminate the risk of counterfeit money and also driver refusal is pre-booking for a taxi before coming to Istanbul Airport. You can read the article Taxi Booking from Istanbul Airport for more information.